Topics: sister-leaders, religious rings, habit rosaries, making vows vs. taking an oath of office. Hosts: Sr. Maxine, IHM, and Sr. Shannon, OSF.
(01.23) Sister Shannon and Sister Maxine look forward to major nun event: the annual gathering of sister-leaders at Leadership Conference of Women Religious assembly
(04:15) Listener question: What does your profession ring look like?
(05:05) Who gets to choose the design of the ring that sisters wear
(05:25) What Franciscan and IHM rings look like
(07:25) Profession rings on right or left hand
(09:17) Listener question: Are habit rosaries a good way to promote vocations to religious life?
(10:43) Marian devotion
(12:40) IHM 15-decade rosary and 7-decade Franciscan Crown Rosary
(14:00) Symbols of religious life, e.g., rings, habits, medallions, cross
(18:00) Describing religious life today by using images from the past
(19:30) Constitutions (The Rule) and Book of Customs
(24:17) What is God calling Catholic sister to today
(28:38) Listener question: What words do you say when you profess vows?
(30:00) The vow formula
(35:00) How to live lifelong vows each day
(38:00) WWJD—or what would Mom say
Links from today’s show: lcwr.org, sistersosf.org, ihmsisters.org
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Intro/outro music by Wild Carrot
Sister Shannon Schrein, OSF, PhD is a Sylvania Franciscan and currently serves on the Leadership Team. She has a PhD in Systematic Theology and is president of the College Theology Society. She is the author of the books Quilting and Braiding: The Feminist Christologies of Sallie McFague and Elizabeth A. Johnson in Conversation. Sister Shannon is also the editor of God Has Begun a Great Work in Us: Embodied Love in Consecrated Life and Ecclesial Movements, The 2014 Annual Volume of the College Theology Society. She is a contributor to The Saint Mary’s College Study Bible, 2007. Sister Shannon is the 2012 recipient of the Franciscan Federation Award. She has shared her Franciscan way of life and her love of Jesus and the Scriptures with her students for more than forty years.